Friday, March 6, 2009

Midnight Watchmen

A three hour long movie. phew. Plus, I had such an embarrassing night.

When I was siting in he back with Ralf, I was sneezing a bunch and someone a row down said "bless you". As I said thank you I looked up, and it was my ex, Andy. AH! How awkward. Plus Matt was there, so it was double the trouble. So I just had to move, it was way too stressful there. The movie was good, but I had to get up halfway and use the restroom. When I came back, I was absolutely lost. Everyone was looking at me so I just sat down in the nearest place I could. Two random college kids next to me were staring me down, so I quietly said "I'm lost..." They burst out laughing in one of the most serious scenes. After 10 seconds of torture, I went up two rows and quickly hid my head in Ralf's arm. I was so embarrassed!

Overall, it was a good movie. It was so late though I decided to skip school and sleepover Ralf's again. I never want to go to another midnight movie again. =\

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