That's a tough one, because there are or have been some really good ones, and many from the other side of the pond:
Doctor Who
Star Trek
The Star Trek revivals and spin-offs (eg, ST:TNG, Babylon 5, Enterprise
Space: 1999
The Thunderbirds
Captain Scarlet
Battlestar Galactica (though I prefer the original, dated as it may be.
Cyclons should be identifiable as robots, and Baltar should be clearly evil.
John Colicos was much better, as was the original character)
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Spandex at its best!)
I guess we could include the whole Stargate franchise, though personally, I preferred the movie, and don't really care to see the concept carried to a series.
And how about the only horror soap opera, Dark Shadows ?
That could probably be included in a poll, too.
Maybe include some anime, too?
The Ghost in the Shell series is really very good, both for its scripts and storyline, and its animation.
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