Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Namie's week 1 sales are good, but surprising. I think its staying power shouldn't be too weak though, so this single should manage to break the 100,000 mark, but that might take a while.

Ah, what am I doing worrying about a top artiste's single sales when I'm in some much deeper shit.

Ah, this is all so stupid. Be stupid or eat shit. Be smart or eat shit. Ah, there's no way out. Just jump over or detour a bit.

Ayu's album's out tomorrow...no matter how it performs, the trail she has left and will continue to make, is more significant.

Even if you're stuck, there are people out there who are making their mark and are continuing to blaze ahead. Life goes on. Ah, globe song. Maybe I should listen to a bit of globe...yay for Tetsuya Komuro.

YT works. I listen to RHCP and H!Project shit that got stuck in my head. Disturbing.  

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